Taxi Services/Servicio de Taxi

The City of Carthage offers a Taxi Service for the citizens. The contact number for the Taxi service is 417-359-6589. The taxi service is available 8 am through 5 pm, Monday through Friday, except city holidays. If school is closed due to weather then the Taxi also will not run that day.

The Cost of a Ride:

  • 60+ (and registered with the Can Do Senior Center) is $1.00 one way.

  • $3.00 per rider, one way for 59 and under (pay as you go).

If you are a citizen needing a ride, call the taxi directly at 359-6589.

Additional Updates

Exciting news the new taxi van is ready it is wheelchair accessible and is rear loading, the sliding doors are push button to open, so no need to pull the door open yourself.

**A quick reminder, there is no open food, or drinks allowed in the vehicle (either vehicle), you are responsible for anything you bring in the vehicles with you.

Exciting News for Seniors

The Carthage City Taxi is partnering with the Carthage Senior Center and the Area Agency on Aging Region X to cover the costs of "City Taxi" rides to anyone 60 years and older within the city limits of Carthage. All they need to do is call the Carthage Senior Center at 417-358-4741 to register for the program. This program is 100% optional.